
manbetx苹果客户端下载坚定地致力于维护个人数据和信息的隐私. Further, VCU collects personal data and information only to the extent necessary.


以下信息解释了大学在其官方大学网站上采取的互联网隐私措施. This shall not be construed as a contractual promise, and the university reserves the right to amend this statement at any time without notice. 大学的隐私和公共记录义务由适用的弗吉尼亚法规管辖, 包括, 但不限于, the Virginia 隐私 Protection Act of 1976 and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; applicable U.S. federal laws; and other university policies.

VCU官方网站 definition

A VCU官方网站 网页或社交媒体页面的内容是否由大学管理和维护,以支持其使命.

What is collected and how it is used

When you access VCU’s official sites that are VCU-managed web pages, the following information is automatically collected:

  • 您的IP地址
  • 日期和时间
  • Pages visited and duration of visit
  • Searches executed on VCU’s official sites
  • Type of browser used, computing platform
  • Referring web page, if present

No other information is automatically collected through a VCU-managed web page. You may choose to submit “optional information” by email or online forms.

VCU官方网站是VCU管理的社交媒体页面,可以访问社交媒体平台收集的不可识别的汇总数据. VCU唯一可用的可识别信息是通过公开提交的用户参与形式的可选信息,如评论, 点赞或分享.


  • Information sent via email, 包括 email metadata
  • Information you submit to us through a form on a VCU官方网站
  • 任何参与,如评论,喜欢,分享,赞成或反对你张贴在VCU官方网站上


cookie是从Web服务器发送到您的浏览器并存储在您用于访问网站的设备上的少量数据. 每次浏览器从服务器请求页面时,cookie就会被发送回服务器. The purpose of cookies is to identify users in order to prepare customized web pages for them, and allow VCU to prioritize and improve the content delivered to its site visitors. The following types of cookies may be used on a VCU官方网站:

  • Non-persistent cookies: Some VCU官方网站s use non-persistent cookies for the purposes of fulfilling form requests, so as you move through the web pages in that browsing session, the site will remember customized settings, choices made and content selected. These cookies are automatically discarded after closing the web browser. 
  • 持久的饼干: 部分VCU官方网站使用持久cookie是为了提供更好的服务和提高网站性能. These cookies help VCU to count the number of visitors to VCU web pages, 跟踪访问者在VCU网页上的参与度,并改进VCU通过其网站提供的内容. These cookies are not automatically discarded upon browser closure.
  • Web beacons and third party cookies: 一些VCU官方网站可能会使用网络信标以及第三方非持久性和持久性cookie来收集网站访问者的不可识别数据. VCU使用这些收集的数据来优先考虑和改进它向网站访问者提供的内容,并以与网站访问者最相关的方式推广大学.


The university may provide names, email addresses and/or phone numbers collected by the university to digital services, 包括 social media platforms, 搜索引擎和数据聚合器,目的是通过这些平台接触受众,宣传大学及其服务. 具体地说:

  • VCU-managed social media pages have access to data collected by social media platforms. 所收集的数据通常不包含任何可识别的信息,主要用于了解帖子成功与否的统计见解, campaigns and networks. You may receive ads based on the statistical data you supply to social media networks. 您可以通过更改每个社交媒体网络中的隐私设置来选择退出这项服务. For information and links on opt-out options for ads delivered through social media networks, please see the following section on “Cookie, web beacon and other web privacy controls.”
  • 偶尔, 一些VCU社交媒体页面可能会使用第三方工具,如数据聚合器,从这些页面中提取公开可用的数据, 例如配置文件名称, comments and other social interaction information. 此信息可能会与在知情同意的情况下收集的个人数据交叉引用, 例如邮件列表. 参与此类数据聚合的VCU社交媒体页面将在其社交媒体页面的“关于”部分提供有关如何选择退出的信息. You can also receive a list of any participating pages and ways to opt out by emailing socialmedia@wolaipei.com

Cookie, web beacon and other web privacy controls 

作为一个互联网用户, you have a variety of tools to control cookies, web beacons and similar technologies. 请注意,拦截cookie和网络信标可能会影响您使用VCU网络内容的体验.

To find out more about cookies, web beacons or similar technology used to deliver advertisements, and how to opt out of them, please review the following online resources:

The way we use information

VCU可能会使用非识别信息和聚合信息来改善VCU官方网站访问者的体验. 在某些情况下, this aggregate information may be shared with outside parties contracted by VCU to host, 对收集到的信息进行管理或分析,用于VCU官方网站内容的发布和改进. 

We keep client information from our systems in accordance with the local, state and federal record retention requirements after the web page is transmitted, 但我们不会试图获取任何信息,将其与浏览我们网站的个人联系起来. On occasions when we detect cyber threats targeting one or more of our websites, 我们保留访问信息的记录是为了进行安全调查,在这种情况下,我们可能会将其与我们拥有的任何其他相关信息一起转发给执法机构.

我们使用您在下订单或请求时提供的有关您自己的信息,仅用于完成该订单或请求. 我们不会与外部各方共享这些信息,除非是完成该订单或请求所必需的. 类似的, 当您下订单或请求时,我们只会使用您提供的有关他人的信息来完成该订单或请求. 再一次。, 我们不会与外部各方共享这些信息,除非是完成该订单或请求所必需的.

We generally use return email addresses only to answer the email we receive. 这些地址通常不用于任何其他目的,并且根据大学和国家政策,不与外部各方共享.

最后, 在没有明确通知和选择退出或以其他方式禁止此类使用的情况下,我们绝不会以与上述方式无关的方式使用或共享在线提供给我们的个人身份信息.

Links to external websites

VCU官方网站s may contain links to external (not directly affiliated with VCU) websites. VCU is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of external organizations. 我们建议您查看每个收集个人信息的外部网站的隐私声明.  

Providing information is your choice

There is no requirement for you to provide any information at our website; however, 在不收集某些信息的情况下,某些功能或服务可能无法向您提供.

Our commitment to information security

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain information accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate and industry standard physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online, 符合大学的政策和弗吉尼亚联邦的法律法规.

Your rights to your personal data

You control your personal data, and you may choose to disclose your personal data to VCU. If you provide VCU with your personal data through our websites, then unless prohibited by law, you have the right to request the review, modification or deletion of your personal data.


If you have additional questions or concerns about this privacy statement, or privacy-related policies and practices, 请电子邮件 webmaster@wolaipei.com. If you wish to review or change information gathered about you via an official VCU website, 您可以联系 webmaster@wolaipei.com, 谁将协助找到直接负责要求查阅或更改您的个人资料的人员.